Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dr. Strangle or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb

Dr. Strangelove or: how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb like many other Stanley Kubirck's movies can be classified into the war movies genre. Once again Kubrick manages to bring humor to such a grim subject with this film. Dr.Strangelove is based in the United States during the time of the Cold War. Kubrick uses many features in this film to convey how it was during the Cold War.

One Aspect of this film that I found interesting was that the film was shot in black and white even though at the time the technology to shoot a film in color was brand new and available. Before watching the film I thought maybe it was for budget purposes, assuming a high expense for the new technology. Once you get into the film it is more that the black and white holds a purpose to the overall feeling to the film. To portray the time of the Cold War as black and grey could symbolize how even though there was no “war” there however a sense of dark times is present. Also to have color influences the feeling of peace or freedom whereas is everything is grey then it is depressing, giving a completely different tone to the film.

There are many more features ranging in subtlety that greatly influence the overall outcome of this film. Other features include the use of music or silhouettes in certain scenes. Overall Dr. Strangelove is a great depiction of the possibilities of a nuclear apocalypse with much hilarity.

Corey Sharpe

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